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Discovering the Duration: How Long Does It Take to Graduate from Police Academy in Washington State

Discovering the Duration: How Long Does It Take to Graduate from Police Academy in Washington State

If you're planning on joining the police force in Washington State, one of your first questions might be: How long is police academy?

Well, it turns out that the answer is not so simple. While some states have a set length for their police academy programs, Washington State offers several different options and paths to becoming a police officer.

The shortest option available is the Reserve Officer Academy, which only lasts for six weeks. This program is designed for individuals who are already working in a law enforcement-related field, such as security or corrections, and want to become reserve officers in their community.

However, if you want to become a full-time police officer, you will need to attend a Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA). These academies can range anywhere from 16 weeks to 6 months, depending on the specific academy you attend.

One thing to keep in mind is that Washington State requires all individuals who want to become a police officer to have at least two years of college under their belt. This means that your total time commitment to becoming a police officer will be longer than just the length of the police academy itself.

And even after you complete the BLEA, there will still be ongoing training requirements to maintain your certification as a police officer. So becoming a police officer is definitely a long-term commitment.

But why become a police officer in the first place? Well, for one thing, it can be a rewarding career that allows you to make a real difference in your community. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for police and detectives in 2020 was $67,290.

Of course, becoming a police officer isn't for everyone. It can be a physically and emotionally demanding job, and it requires a lot of training and dedication. But if you're passionate about law enforcement and want to serve your community, it could be the career for you.

If you do decide to pursue a career in law enforcement, there are a few things you can do to prepare yourself. First, make sure you have a clean criminal record. Police departments take criminal histories very seriously, so any issues in your past could disqualify you from becoming an officer.

You'll also want to make sure you're physically fit, as police work can be very physically demanding. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help you get in shape and stay that way.

Finally, start looking into potential police academies in your area. There are several options available in Washington State, so you should be able to find one that fits your schedule and career goals.

In conclusion, how long is police academy in Washington State? It depends on the specific program you're attending, but it can range anywhere from six weeks to six months. However, remember that becoming a police officer in Washington also requires a college degree and ongoing training throughout your career. If you're up for the challenge and dedicated to serving your community, a career in law enforcement could be the right choice for you.

How Long Is Police Academy In Washington State
"How Long Is Police Academy In Washington State" ~ bbaz


Police officers play a crucial role in our society. They serve and protect their respective communities by ensuring the safety of people and property. Washington State Police Department has different requirements for becoming a police officer, including attending police academy training. In this article, we’ll discuss How Long Is Police Academy In Washington State.

Washington State Police Academy: An Overview

Washington State has more than 200 law enforcement agencies that come under the Washington Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC). To become a police officer in Washington state, one needs to attend and graduate from an approved police academy. Here, recruits learn the skills and knowledge they need to serve effectively in their respective departments.

Training Curriculum

The curriculum at the Washington State Police Academy includes various subjects such as firearms training, self-defense, emergency vehicle operation, scenario-based simulations, crime scene investigation, and more. Officers need to fulfill certain physical requirements as well. They are also taught about ethics and professionalism, communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and conflict resolution.

Duration of the Police Academy in Washington State

The duration of police academy training in Washington State varies based on the academy one attends. Generally, basic law enforcement training programs last approximately six months, which amounts to approximately 720 hours of combined classroom and practical education. Some academies offer part-time evening and weekend classes as well.

Requirements for Attending the Police Academy in Washington State

To attend the police academy in Washington state, prospective candidates must be:

  • A U.S citizen
  • A minimum of 21 years old at the time of certification
  • Possess a high school diploma or GED
  • Have no felony convictions or recent drug use history and
  • Have a valid driver’s license

What Happens After Graduation?

After completing the police academy training, recruits are placed on probationary status for a period that varies from six months to a year. During this time, they continue to receive training and support from their department. They work under a senior officer and navigate different scenarios before officially becoming a certified police officer.

Further Growth Opportunities

Washington State Police Department offers various opportunities for officers to grow professionally, such as advanced training, promotional opportunities, and specialized units. Officers can become detectives, SWAT team members, K-9 handlers, specialized traffic control officers, etc.


Becoming a certified police officer in Washington State requires hard work, determination, and a passion for serving one's community. The police academy training is an essential part of the journey and varies in duration depending on the academy one attends. However, it lays the foundation for future growth and development as a law enforcement officer. If you’re interested in becoming a police officer in Washington State, ensure that you meet the requirements and research different academies to make an informed decision.

How Long Is Police Academy In Washington State: An In-Depth Comparison


Becoming a police officer in Washington State is a noble career path that comes with a lot of responsibilities. It requires rigorous training and a significant amount of dedication. One of the crucial aspects of the training is attending police academy. The length of police academy varies depending on the state. In this article, we shall explore how long is police academy in Washington State, its requirements, and compare it with other states.

Police Academy in Washington State

In Washington State, the Basic Law Enforcement Academy training program is offered for those who intend to become law enforcement officers. The training program is conducted at various facilities across the state, including Burien, Yakima, Spokane, and Renton. The program is designed to provide recruits with a wide range of essential skills and knowledge necessary for law enforcement. The length of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy training program is typically between 720 and 960 hours of training. The training may last anywhere from six to seven months, depending on the schedule. The curriculum involves a variety of topics, including criminal law, self-defense tactics, firearms, patrol procedures, and emergency response.

Police Academy Requirements in Washington State

To be eligible to attend police academy in Washington State, there are certain requirements that applicants must meet. The primary requirement is that the applicant must have a high school diploma or GED equivalent. Applicants must also be at least 21 years old, be a United States citizen, and have no felony record.Other requirements include having good hearing and vision, being physically fit, and passing a medical examination. Applicants must also submit to a background check, which includes a drug test and a criminal history check.

Comparison with Other States

The duration of police academy training in Washington State is comparable to other states across the country. However, some states offer longer or shorter training programs than Washington. Let's take a closer look at some of these states:


The Basic Police Academy program in California lasts about six months. The training program involves 888 hours of training and is divided into three parts. Part one is 12 weeks, part two is 20 weeks, and part three is eight weeks.


The Florida Department of Law Enforcement offers a basic recruit training program that is 770 hours long. This training takes approximately five months to complete.

New York

In New York, the police academy training program lasts for approximately six months, with recruits undergoing 840 hours of training before graduation.


After comparing the duration of police academy in Washington State with other states, we can resolve that the length of training provided is quite adequate. It provides recruits with enough time to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to become fully qualified officers. The training program in Washington State is rigorous, both physically and mentally, but it is essential to ensure that recruits are well prepared to handle the challenges that come with law enforcement.

How Long Is Police Academy in Washington State?


The journey toward becoming a law enforcement officer in Washington State is not an easy one. Before you can serve and protect, you must complete police academy. If you're considering a career in law enforcement in Washington, one of the first things you'll want to know is how long is police academy in Washington State?

Overview of Police Academy Training Program

Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (WSCJTC) sets the training requirements for candidates aspiring to become law enforcement officials in the state. The police academy training program provided by WSCJTC is a rigorous course designed to prepare candidates with the knowledge and practical skills needed to serve the community effectively.

The Length of Police Academy in Washington State

The length of police academy training in Washington depends on the type of police officer that you are training to become. There are three entry-level police officer certifications defined by WSCJTC: Basic, Reserve, and Lateral. For basic training, candidates with no previous experience must complete at least 720 hours of police academy before graduating. In contrast, Reserve police officers take 80 hours of training, while Lateral police officers take 80 hours of self-paced online modules.

Schedule for Police Academy

The schedule or pace at which police academy courses are delivered depends on the agency running the training program. Most police academies in Washington require police cadets to attend full-time for around six months to a year to complete the academy's 720-hour training course. However, some academies offer part-time training schedules, which extend the duration of an average police academy class. The training schedule may vary from agency to agency, so it's essential to find out more about the available options before deciding on which academy to join.

Police Academy Curriculum & Courses

The police academy curriculum and courses aim to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become a successful law enforcement officer. These courses cover diverse topics such as defensive driving, firearms training, crisis intervention, domestic violence, criminal investigation, arrest & search warrants, and laws of arrest.In addition to classroom instruction, police academy training in Washington combines physical fitness training and tactical training. Physical fitness prepares candidates for the rigorous demands of serving as a law enforcement officer that requires endurance, stamina, and strength. Tactical training equips candidates with the tools and techniques needed to handle difficult, life-threatening situations while protecting themself and the community effectively.

Physical Fitness Requirements

WSCJTC mandates that all police academy cadets take a pre-academy physical fitness test. To pass fitness testing, candidates must demonstrate a certain level of physical ability. This includes requirements like completing a mile run in under eight minutes, hitting a set number of push-ups and sit-ups in a minute, and completing a beep test. Cadets must also maintain physical fitness throughout the training program to ensure that they can keep up with the academy's rigorous demands.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from police academy in Washington, cadets need to meet various requirements. These requirements include acquiring a passing score in all coursework, maintaining physical fitness standards, and achieving appropriate scores in practical skills evaluations like firearms and driving tests. Upon graduation and certification, candidates are qualified to join local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies in Washington state.


Becoming a law enforcement officer in Washington is not an easy journey- it takes dedication, commitment, and hard work. The Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (WSCJTC) police academy training program prepares candidates for becoming successful law enforcement officials. With this guide in mind, we hope you understand how long police academy in Washington state is and the coursework involved.

How Long Is Police Academy In Washington State?

Gaining a career in Law Enforcement can be an exciting and fulfilling profession, but before individuals can start patrolling the streets and protecting the public, they'll need to complete a rigorous and comprehensive training program. Aspiring police officers in Washington must attend one of the five law enforcement academies approved by the state to become a licensed police officer.

So, how long is police academy in Washington State? The answer varies depending on the academy a student attends. However, all training programs meet or exceed the minimum number of training hours required by the state. It's essential to understand the different training requirements and duration offered by each of the law enforcement academies available in the state. This article will provide an overview of the duration of the various training programs for aspiring police officers in Washington State.

The Basic Law Enforcement Academy is the most common training program required for all aspiring police officers in Washington. This rigorous and intense training program usually takes approximately twenty weeks or 720 hours to complete. During this training, cadets are taught the fundamental skills necessary to serve as law enforcement officials. These may include firearms training, emergency vehicle operations, defensive tactics, criminal investigation, and more. Individuals that graduate from this program will earn an unarmed security guard license or a private investigator license.

If you're looking to train with the best at one of the most reputable training institutions in the United States, the Washington State Patrol Academy should be your top choice. This academy boasts a 33-week training curriculum, providing students with up to 1140 hours of hands-on, practical, and classroom-based instruction. Upon completion, cadets receive a certification as a police officer.

Another popular training institution in the state is the Federal Way Police Department (FWPD) Academy. The FWPD Academy training program generally lasts between 720-900 hours, depending on whether a cadet attends the daytime or evening classes. During this training, students are trained by industry professionals who teach various subjects, including firearms, Simon Says, criminal law, and report writing.

The Burien Police Department Academy also provides aspiring police officers with the skillset required to serve in the line of duty. The program's length is approximately 720 hours, and cadets are taught the fundamentals of law enforcement, including firearms training, investigation techniques, de-escalation tactics, and professional communication skills.

The Renton Technical College - Criminal Justice Training Center was established to prepare officers to serve their communities effectively. This training facility provides cadets with 720 instructional hours in a ten-week program. Upon graduation, students will have obtained the skills and knowledge to become effective and efficient law enforcement officials.

Overall, the amount of time it takes to complete a police academy in Washington state will depend on several factors, including the academy's curriculum content, physical fitness requirements, academy schedules, among other factors. However, as previously stated, all training programs offered by the approved academies meet or exceed state requirements. Visitors can expect to find useful information on each academy’s website on duration requirements, tuition fees, and training facility locations.

In conclusion, becoming a police officer involves a rigorous and time-consuming process that requires commitment, dedication, and passion for serving the community. Although the road to successful completion of police training programs may be rocky and intense at times, it may ultimately lead to a fulfilling and long-lasting career in law enforcement. If you're interested in enrolling in a police academy in Washington state, be sure to research the available academies thoroughly and choose a program that aligns with your goals and aspirations.

We hope this article has provided useful insights on the duration of police academies in Washington State. Be sure to research and choose the appropriate institution that suits your goals, budget, and schedule when embarking on this exciting journey.

How Long Is Police Academy In Washington State?

What does the Police Academy in Washington State entail?

The basic police training program or academy in Washington State trains potential law enforcement candidates to become competent officers. It provides a comprehensive education in all aspects of law enforcement administration and operation, both in the classroom and in practical training scenarios. The training covers topics such as patrol operations, emergency vehicle operations, investigations, laws, firearms, defensive tactics, ethics, communication skills, and community policing.

What are the Requirements for attending Police Academy in Washington State?

To attend the police academy in Washington State, candidates must meet several requirements. These include:

  1. Being a citizen or legal resident
  2. At least 21 years old
  3. Must not have any felony convictions or significant misdemeanor convictions;
  4. Able to pass drug tests
  5. Possessing a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent education
  6. Having a valid driver's license

How long is the Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy in Washington State?

The Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) conducts the Police Academy training, which lasts approximately six months. The academy provided by CJTC is called Basic Law Enforcement Academy, or BLEA, and is a physically and mentally demanding program that is offered full-time or part-time. The length of the training may vary based on circumstances such as holidays, weather delays, or injuries.

Do I get paid while attending the Police Academy in Washington State?

Upon being hired by a law enforcement organization, trainees in Washington State are generally paid during the training. During the academy duration, trainees may earn a starting salary about $40,000 to $50,000 per year.

What happens after I complete the Police Academy in Washington State?

After passing the Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy, graduates enter into a FTO (Field Training Officer) program where they work alongside an experienced officer to put their newly acquired skills to practice/work. The duration of the FTO program varies based on state department policies.