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Discover Cutting-Edge Education and a Passion for the Environment at Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science - Apply Now!

Discover Cutting-Edge Education and a Passion for the Environment at Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science - Apply Now!

The Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science (MATES) is a public high school located in Stafford Township, New Jersey, that offers an exceptional education in marine science, environmental science, and related technologies. With its distinct curriculum and hands-on approach to learning, students are well-equipped to excel in their chosen field.

Are you passionate about marine life and environmental conservation? Do you want to make a difference in the world? Then MATES might just be the ideal institution for you!

MATES is not your average high school. It approaches education differently, with a focus on developing skills that students can use throughout their entire career. The academy's curriculum goes beyond traditional classroom learning, as it emphasizes practical application of knowledge, outdoor experiences, scientific experimentation and research, and community service projects.

At MATES, students have access to cutting-edge technology and equipment, from advanced lab facilities to research vessels. This state-of-the-art infrastructure allows students to work alongside highly qualified teachers who are themselves experts in the field of science.

If you're one of those people who love hands-on learning, MATES surely won't disappoint. The academy gives students plenty of opportunities to immerse themselves in real-world experiences that expose them to the diversity of marine life and different ecosystems. For example, students go crabbing with local fishermen, study marine biology along the Jersey Shore's beaches, or travel out to sea for marine mammal sightings.

The school's unique location also presents an advantage, given that it sits on the banks of Cedar Creek. As such, students get to explore the creek's vital importance to the environment, observe and collect water samples, and study the ecosystem of the creek.

But there's more to MATES than just science. MATES recognizes that education isn't complete if it doesn't teach students how to be responsible, active members of society. Therefore, the institution emphasizes volunteer work and community service as ways to learn more about social responsibility.

Achieving excellence is also a priority at MATES, with an emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving. Students graduate not only with knowledge but also with critical skills necessary for college and careers. In fact, MATES boasts of a 100% graduation rate for its students.

As you start your high school journey, you want the best education that can help you pursue your dreams and become successful in life. At MATES, you'll find that and more - a friendly environment, an impressive coaching staff, balanced education programs, advanced equipment, inspiring learning environment, and opportunities for all-around growth.

If you're still not convinced about enrolling at MATES, you can visit the school's official website, attend an orientation, or speak to a MATES alumni for insights on their experience. Don't let this fantastic opportunity pass you by - enroll at, or transfer to MATES, today!

Marine Academy Of Technology And Environmental Science
"Marine Academy Of Technology And Environmental Science" ~ bbaz

The Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science: A Destination for Future Marinologists

The Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science or M.A.T.E.S. is a prestigious public magnet high school located in Manahawkin, New Jersey. The high school specializes in marine studies, providing students an environment to develop their skills and passion for marine science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.

Campus and Facilities

The school’s campus sits on an 18-acre lot inside the Ocean County Vocational Technical School District. The school buildings have modern amenities that include a marine lab, two boathouses, and a fleet of boats for research and practical application of learning.

Students have access to a library with an extensive collection of books and other reference materials related to marine life and the ecosystem. The library also features online resources that allow students to do research projects outside the campus walls.

Curriculum and Programs Offered

The school's marine studies curriculum involves advanced coursework in diverse marine-related courses, including biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, math, and technology. Students gain hands-on experiences in marine-based activities such as aquaculture, boating safety, oceanographic surveys, oceanography, and marine ecology.

The academy offers comprehensive programs designed to provide students with exposure to the different fields of marine sciences. These programs assist students to acquire competencies in emerging technologies and concepts concerning marine life. There are various programs tailored for students looking for careers in atmospheric science, oceanography, marine biology, and environmental studies.

The Student Body

The Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science is highly competitive, as students must undergo a rigorous admissions process to join the institution. Selected students come from a broad spectrum of academic backgrounds, including public schools and private institutions. Diversity is celebrated, and students come from different ethnicities and races.

Extracurricular Activities

Aside from rigorous coursework, the academy offers extracurricular activities to further enhance students' social learning experiences. Students can join different clubs such as robotics club, ecology club, marine mammal stranding response team, and others. Students can participate in sports like cross-country, soccer, softball, and football. The school also has a marching band, which participates in regional competitions and other events.


The Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science prides itself in their faculty members, consisting of highly qualified individuals with years of experience in the field of marine science. The instructors are experts in their respective fields and offer students personalized attention and exceptional learning opportunities.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science have numerous opportunities to explore various career paths concerning the marine ecosystem. Graduates can pursue careers like marine biologist, environmental planner, geologist, atmospheric physicist, oceanographers or work on conservation and management organizations.


The Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science provides a conducive learning environment to students who want to pursue marine careers. The academy's progressive curriculum, diverse student body, experienced faculty members, and robust extracurricular activities create a well-rounded marine education for students. The academy provides excellent preparation for students looking forward to furthering their education in top-rated universities and colleges worldwide.

Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science: A Comparison


Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science (MATES) is a specialized high school that focuses on marine education. Located in Manahawkin, New Jersey, it is one of the top-ranked schools in the state. In this article, we will be comparing MATES to other high schools in the area.

Academic Programs

MATES is known for its rigorous academic programs. The school offers a wide range of courses in mathematics, science, technology, and engineering. In addition, MATES provides students with unique opportunities to gain hands-on experience in marine research and conservation. The school's Marine Science Research Program allows students to conduct original research and present their findings at scientific conferences.In comparison to traditional high schools, MATES has a more specialized curriculum. While some students may find this limiting, others will thrive in an environment that caters to their interests.

Extracurricular Activities

MATES offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, clubs, and volunteer opportunities. Many of these activities are centered around marine education and conservation. For example, the Marine Explorer's Club allows students to participate in beach cleanups and learn about marine life. The school also has a sailing team and a fishing club.Compared to other high schools, MATES has a strong emphasis on extracurricular activities that align with its mission. However, students who are not interested in marine education may find the extracurricular options limited.


MATES is a public school, but admission is selective. Students must apply and be accepted in order to attend. The application process includes an entrance exam, an interview, and a review of the student's academic record. Priority is given to students who are residents of the Southern Regional School District.Compared to other high schools in the area, admission to MATES is more competitive. However, this also means that the student body is highly motivated and academically strong.


MATES is housed in a modern, state-of-the-art building that was designed to reflect its marine focus. The school has a marine science lab, a greenhouse, and an aquaculture facility. In addition, students have access to advanced technology such as 3D printers and drones.Compared to traditional high schools, MATES has more specialized facilities. This allows students to gain hands-on experience in areas such as marine research and conservation.

Class Size

MATES has a relatively small student body, with a total enrollment of around 300 students. Class sizes are also small, with a student-to-teacher ratio of around 11:1.Compared to other high schools in the area, MATES has smaller class sizes. This allows for more individualized attention from teachers and a greater sense of community among students.

College Preparedness

MATES has a strong college preparatory program. The school offers Advanced Placement courses in a variety of subjects, as well as dual enrollment opportunities with local colleges. In addition, MATES provides students with support in the college application process, including guidance on selecting schools and preparing for interviews.Compared to other high schools in the area, MATES has a more focused college preparatory program. This can be an advantage for students who are sure of their academic and career goals.


MATES has a diverse student body, with a mix of races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. However, the school's demographic makeup is predominantly white.Compared to other high schools in the area, MATES is more diverse than some but less diverse than others. It is important for all students to be exposed to a range of cultures and perspectives in order to prepare for a globalized world.


MATES is a public high school, so there is no tuition fee for students who are residents of the Southern Regional School District. However, there may be additional costs associated with extracurricular activities, field trips, and school supplies.Compared to private high schools, MATES is more affordable. However, students should be aware of any additional costs that may be incurred.

Post-Graduation Opportunities

MATES has a strong record of sending students to top colleges and universities across the country. The school also provides students with opportunities to gain real-world experience in marine science and conservation through internships and research projects.Compared to other high schools in the area, MATES has a more specialized focus on marine science and conservation. This can be an advantage for students who are interested in pursuing careers in these fields.


In summary, Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science is a unique high school that offers a specialized curriculum and extracurricular activities focused on marine education and conservation. Compared to traditional high schools in the area, MATES has smaller class sizes and a more selective admissions process. However, it is important for students to carefully consider their interests and goals before choosing a high school.

Tips and Guide to Marine Academy Of Technology And Environmental Science


The Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science (MATES) is a specialized public high school located in New Jersey, USA. It focuses on marine and environmental education, offering programs that prepare students for post-secondary education and careers in fields related to the marine environment.

Admission and Requirements

To be considered for admission to MATES, students must complete an online application, meet the entrance requirements of their sending district, and pass a competitive entrance examination. The entrance exam includes math and English language arts tests, as well as a writing sample. Students are also evaluated based on their academic performance, attendance records, and disciplinary history.

Campus and Facilities

MATES' campus is situated on a 58-acre site, offering a unique and scenic location for marine and environmental studies. Its facilities include a well-equipped science laboratory, a greenhouse, a saltwater aquarium, and a marine science library. The campus also features outdoor facilities such as a boat basin, a dock, and a nature trail.

Academic Programs

MATES offers a range of academic programs that focus on marine and environmental studies. These include marine science, marine technology, and environmental science. In these programs, students learn fundamental concepts in biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and meteorology within the context of the marine environment. They also gain practical skills and experience through hands-on activities, field trips, and internships.

Extracurricular Activities

MATES offers a variety of extracurricular activities that complement its academic programs. These include clubs and organizations dedicated to marine science, robotics, multimedia, art, and community service. Students can also participate in sports such as soccer, basketball, and cross-country.

Post-Graduate Outcomes

MATES' graduates are well-prepared for post-secondary education and careers related to the marine environment and environmental science. Many pursue degrees in marine biology, oceanography, ecology, or engineering at top universities such as Rutgers University, Boston University, and the University of Miami. Others enter the workforce directly, working in fields such as marine technology, aquaculture, or environmental consulting.

Benefits of Attending MATES

Attending MATES offers several benefits, including access to a specialized and high-quality education in marine and environmental studies. Students gain hands-on experience and practical skills that prepare them for post-secondary education and careers in these fields. They also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities and develop leadership and teamwork skills.


In conclusion, the Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science is an excellent choice for students who are passionate about marine and environmental studies. Its comprehensive academic programs, experienced faculty, scenic campus, and diverse extracurricular activities provide a unique and enriching educational experience. Whether you aspire to pursue a career in marine biology, oceanography, or environmental engineering, attending MATES can help you achieve your goals.

Marine Academy Of Technology And Environmental Science: Preparing Future Leaders of Marine Biology and Oceanic Studies

The Marine Academy Of Technology And Environmental Science offers a unique curriculum that is tailored to meet the demands of students who are interested in pursuing marine biology and oceanic studies. The academy places a strong emphasis on scientific research, exploration, and hands-on learning that encourages students to immerse themselves in the ocean world.

The academy aims to provide the tools necessary for students to gain awareness of their roles as stewards of the oceans. It believes in nurturing academically gifted students and provides them with opportunities to excel in various marine-related careers.

The academy's curriculum includes a wide range of courses that are focused on marine studies, including biological oceanography, marine geology, chemistry, and physics, to name a few. Students are also given access to advanced laboratories and equipment, which enables them to conduct independent research and obtain a deep understanding of the oceanic environment.

One of the best things about the Marine Academy Of Technology And Environmental Science is the level of support and mentorship available to students. Teachers guide students in mastering the subjects that they are interested in, help them develop research and problem-solving skills, and prepare students for higher education.

The academy also provides various extracurricular activities that are designed to pretty much entice students into exploring the vastness of the ocean and expanding their knowledge of marine life. Some of these activities include boating, fishing, diving, and kayaking, among others.

If you're interested in marine studies and want to know more about what the academy offers, you can browse through their website or visit their campus. You'll be greeted by a warm and friendly environment, an enthusiastic and supportive community, and faculty who genuinely care for your education and future.

By attending the Marine Academy Of Technology And Environmental Science, you are in the right place to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become experts in your field and make a positive impact on our planet.

Our academy values diversity and encourages students from all backgrounds to enroll in courses. In addition, the academy firmly believes that students should take part in the preservation of marine life and the environment as a whole.

If you're interested in marine conservation and want to make a difference, this Academy is just what you've been looking for. You'll get an immersive experience, quality education, and extracurricular activities that will help you explore your strengths, passions and your potential.

The Marine Academy Of Technology And Environmental Science prepares students to succeed in their careers and become responsible citizens. By enrolling, you're joining a family of world changers who are committed to improving the world through science, technology, and awareness.

In conclusion, if you're considering pursuing a career in marine biology or oceanic studies, The Marine Academy Of Technology And Environmental Science is definitely worth your attention. Here, you will find an environment that stimulates academic excellence, encourages research, exploration, and provides opportunities to work with professionals in the field.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to become a future leader in marine studies; join us at the Marine Academy Of Technology And Environmental Science today!

Frequently Asked Questions about Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science

What is Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science?

Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science (MATES) is a specialized public high school dedicated to preparing students for careers in maritime industries and environmental sciences. It is located in Manahawkin, New Jersey, USA.

How do I apply for Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science?

  1. You can apply for MATES online through the New Jersey Public School Choice program.
  2. As part of the application process, you must submit your transcript, standardized test scores, and recommendations from teachers and/or guidance counselors.
  3. The admission criteria also include a written essay and an interview with the MATES Admissions Committee.

What courses are offered at Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science?

  • MATES offers a rigorous academic program that includes courses in science, math, English, social studies, and foreign languages.
  • The school also offers specialized courses in marine biology, oceanography, marine engineering, navigation, and other maritime-related subjects.
  • There are also opportunities for internships and research projects with local marine and environmental organizations.

What are the extracurricular activities at Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science?

MATES offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including:

  • Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (MCJROTC)
  • Robotics Club
  • Environmental Club
  • Sailing Club
  • Debate Team
  • Drama Club

What are the job opportunities for graduates of Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science?

Graduates of MATES are well-prepared to pursue careers in a variety of fields, including:

  • Maritime industries, such as shipping, fishing, and marine engineering
  • Environmental sciences, such as conservation, ecology, and sustainability
  • Government agencies, such as the Coast Guard, NOAA, and the EPA
  • Research institutions, such as universities and laboratories