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Unlocking the Tesla Badge: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success on Khan Academy

Unlocking the Tesla Badge: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success on Khan Academy

Are you a Tesla fan? Do you love learning online? Then you need to know how to get the Tesla Badge on Khan Academy. This prestigious badge is an exclusive recognition of your hard work and amazing achievements.

According to recent statistics, only a fraction of Khan Academy users have earned the Tesla Badge. This means that this achievement is not easy, but it's definitely worth it. With the Tesla Badge, you'll join the elite group of learners who have proven their knowledge and dedication in science and engineering.

So, what do you need to do to get the Tesla Badge on Khan Academy? First of all, you need to complete all the quizzes and exercises in the Energy and Transport section. This section covers a wide range of topics, from renewable energy to electric vehicles, and it's essential for anyone who wants to understand the world of Tesla.

Once you've completed all the Energy and Transport exercises, you'll be eligible to take the final challenge. This challenge is a comprehensive test of your knowledge in the domain, and it includes multiple-choice questions as well as essay questions.

Don't worry if you feel overwhelmed by the challenge. Khan Academy provides robust resources to help you prepare for the exam. You can revise all your notes and practice with sample questions to boost your confidence. You can also connect with other learners who share your passion for Tesla and learn from their experience.

To pass the final challenge, you need to score at least 80%. This may seem daunting, but keep in mind that you have unlimited attempts to complete the test. If you don't succeed the first time, take your time to review your mistakes and learn from them.

If you manage to pass the final exam with flying colors, congratulations! You've just earned the Tesla Badge on Khan Academy. Your achievement will be displayed on your profile and shared with the community, cementing your status as a true Tesla enthusiast.

In conclusion, getting the Tesla Badge on Khan Academy is a challenging but rewarding process. It requires dedication, hard work, and a thorough understanding of energy and transport topics. However, with the right mindset and resources, you can achieve this prestigious badge and showcase your knowledge to the world.

So, what are you waiting for? Start learning about energy and transport today and unlock the world of Tesla. Who knows, maybe one day you'll even work at Tesla or build the next electric car revolution!

How To Get The Tesla Badge On Khan Academy
"How To Get The Tesla Badge On Khan Academy" ~ bbaz


Khan Academy is a popular online learning platform that helps thousands of students worldwide. The platform has gained popularity as it offers a wide range of courses across multiple disciplines. However, the platform also has some fun elements such as badges that students can earn upon completing certain tasks or achieving a set goal.

The Tesla Badge

The Tesla Badge, in particular, is a badge that many students strive to obtain. The badge is awarded to students who complete certain courses on Khan Academy, and it is a symbol of academic achievement. Students who earn the Tesla Badge can display it on their profile, which can be viewed by their friends, peers, and other members of the Khan Academy community.

How to Get the Tesla Badge

Getting the Tesla Badge is not an easy feat. It requires dedication, hard work, and commitment to learning. However, with the right approach and mindset, anyone can earn this prestigious badge. Below are some steps that students can follow to increase their chances of getting the Tesla Badge:

Step 1: Open a Khan Academy Account

The first step towards earning the Tesla Badge is to open a Khan Academy account. The registration process is straightforward, and students can sign up using their Google or Facebook accounts. Once registered, students can browse through the courses available on the platform and select the ones that interest them the most.

Step 2: Choose Relevant Courses

To get the Tesla Badge, students must complete certain courses on the platform. Therefore, it is essential to choose relevant courses that align with the goals of the student. It is crucial to note that the courses required to get the Tesla Badge can change, so students must keep an eye on the website for any updates.

Step 3: Set a Study Schedule

Once the relevant courses have been identified, it is essential to set a study schedule. Students must dedicate enough time every week to ensure that they cover all the necessary material. Creating a study schedule helps students stay organized and ensures that they don't fall behind on their studies.

Step 4: Enroll in the Course

After identifying the relevant course, it's time to enroll. The enrollment process is done on the course page, and students can start learning immediately. Most courses on Khan Academy have video tutorials, quizzes, and exercises designed to help students learn effectively. Students should take advantage of these resources to ensure that they understand the material well.

Step 5: Take the Quizzes

Most courses on the platform have quizzes that students must complete. These quizzes are designed to test the student's understanding of the material. It is essential to take the quizzes seriously and aim for a high score as it will increase the chances of getting the Tesla Badge.

Step 6: Complete the Exercises

Completing the exercises is another crucial step towards earning the Tesla Badge. Exercises are interactive and designed to reinforce the material learned in the video tutorials. Students must aim to complete all the exercises and achieve a high score.

Step 7: Participate in Discussions

Khan Academy has a vibrant community of learners, and students are encouraged to participate in discussions related to the course they are taking. Participating in these discussions not only helps students share their knowledge with others but also enhances their own learning experience.

Step 8: Earn the Badge

To earn the Tesla Badge, students must complete all the courses required and achieve a high score on the quizzes and exercises. Once completed, students will receive the badge, which they can proudly display on their profile.


Earning the Tesla Badge on Khan Academy is not an easy feat. However, with the right approach and mindset, anyone can achieve this prestigious badge. By following the steps outlined above, students can increase their chances of obtaining the Tesla Badge and showcasing their academic achievements to the world.

How To Get The Tesla Badge On Khan Academy: A Comprehensive Guide


Khan Academy is a popular online platform that allows users to learn a wide range of subjects for free. The platform offers various badges that are awarded to learners who complete certain tasks or achievements. One of the most coveted badges on Khan Academy is the Tesla badge, which requires learners to complete a series of tasks related to science and engineering. This article will provide a comparison guide on how to get the Tesla badge on Khan Academy.

What is the Tesla Badge on Khan Academy?

The Tesla badge is named after Nikola Tesla, a famed inventor and innovator in the field of electrical engineering. To earn the Tesla badge on Khan Academy, learners must demonstrate a mastery of topics related to science, engineering, and technology. Specifically, they must complete a series of tasks focused on electricity, circuits, and electromagnetism.

Comparison Table: Steps to Get the Tesla Badge on Khan Academy

To help learners understand the requirements for earning the Tesla badge on Khan Academy, we’ve created a comparison table outlining the necessary steps. Let’s take a closer look:
Step Description Time Required
1 Complete the “Electricity and Magnetism” course on Khan Academy Approximately 30-40 hours
2 Complete the “Circuits” course on Khan Academy Approximately 15-20 hours
3 Complete the “Electromagnetism” course on Khan Academy Approximately 20-25 hours
4 Take the “Tesla Quiz” and earn a score of at least 80% Approximately 30 minutes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Get the Tesla Badge on Khan Academy

Now that we’ve outlined the necessary steps, let’s take a closer look at each one to understand how to get the Tesla badge on Khan Academy.

Step 1: Complete the “Electricity and Magnetism” Course on Khan Academy

The first step in earning the Tesla badge is to complete the “Electricity and Magnetism” course on Khan Academy. This course covers topics such as electric charge, voltage, current, and resistance. It also explores the relationship between magnetism and electricity, including electromagnetic waves and fields. Learners should expect to spend around 30-40 hours completing this course.

Step 2: Complete the “Circuits” Course on Khan Academy

Once learners have completed the “Electricity and Magnetism” course, they should move on to the “Circuits” course. This course covers the basics of circuits, including series and parallel circuits, circuit elements like resistors and capacitors, and Kirchoff's laws. It should take learners around 15-20 hours to complete this course.

Step 3: Complete the “Electromagnetism” Course on Khan Academy

The next course learners must complete to earn the Tesla badge is the “Electromagnetism” course. This course explores the fascinating relationship between electricity and magnetism, including topics like electromagnetic induction and Maxwell's equations. It should take learners around 20-25 hours to complete this course.

Step 4: Take the “Tesla Quiz” and Earn a Score of at Least 80%

Once all three courses are completed, learners must take the “Tesla Quiz” to demonstrate their mastery of the subject matter. The quiz covers topics related to Tesla's inventions and contributions to the field of electrical engineering, as well as questions related to the courses completed. To earn the Tesla badge, learners must score at least 80% on the quiz.


In my opinion, earning the Tesla badge on Khan Academy is a challenging but rewarding achievement. The courses required to earn the badge provide a comprehensive understanding of some of the most exciting topics in science and engineering. Moreover, demonstrating mastery of these topics through the quiz is a fantastic way to showcase one’s knowledge and skills to potential employers or peers. Overall, I highly recommend pursuing the Tesla badge on Khan Academy to anyone interested in science, engineering, or technology.


In conclusion, getting the prestigious Tesla badge on Khan Academy requires completing several courses on Electricity and Magnetism, Circuits, Electromagnetism, and taking the Tesla quiz and scoring 80% or more. With the steps outlined in this article, learners can confidently and effectively pursue the necessary requirements to receive the Tesla badge on Khan Academy.

How To Get The Tesla Badge On Khan Academy: A Comprehensive Guide

Khan Academy is a popular online platform that offers free courses on various subjects, including math, science, economics, and computer programming. Apart from gaining knowledge, users can also earn badges that showcase their achievements. One of the most coveted badges is the Tesla badge, which is earned by completing a series of advanced math courses. In this article, we will guide you on how to get the Tesla badge on Khan Academy.

Step 1: Sign Up For Khan Academy

Before you can earn any badges on Khan Academy, you need to sign up for an account. Go to, click on the Sign Up button and fill in the required details. You can use your Google or Facebook account for quick sign-up or create a new username.

Step 2: Complete Basic Math Courses

It is crucial to have a strong foundational knowledge of math before attempting the advanced courses in Khan Academy. Therefore, start by completing basic math courses such as Arithmetic, Pre-Algebra, and Algebra I. These courses lay a solid foundation for the advanced courses.

Step 3: Complete Algebra II And Trigonometry

After completing the basic math courses, it's time to move on to more advanced math. Complete the Algebra II and Trigonometry courses on Khan Academy, as these are prerequisites for the Calculus courses.

Step 4: Complete Calculus I, II, And III

The Tesla badge requirements list three Calculus courses: Calculus I, II, and III. Completing these courses will give you a comprehensive understanding of Calculus concepts such as limits, derivatives, integrals, and series expansion. These courses are rigorous and will take several weeks or months to complete.

Step 5: Complete Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra is another advanced math course that will help you understand advanced concepts such as vectors, matrices, determinants, and other linear transformations. Completing the Linear Algebra course on Khan Academy is essential to earning the Tesla badge.

Step 6: Complete Differential Equations

Differential Equations is a branch of math that deals with equations involving derivatives. Completing the Differential Equations course on Khan Academy helps you understand how to solve these equations using various methods such as separation of variables and Laplace transforms.

Step 7: Practice And Revise

You may have completed all the required courses, but it's not over yet. To earn the Tesla badge, you need to demonstrate mastery of the concepts learned in the courses. This involves practicing problems, taking quizzes, and revising concepts that you find challenging.

Step 8: Take Quizzes And Tests

Khan Academy provides quizzes and tests in each course to help you evaluate your understanding of the concepts taught. Taking the quizzes and tests helps you identify areas that need improvement, and you can work on these areas by practicing more.

Step 9: Earn Other Badges

Earning other badges on Khan Academy proves that you are dedicated to learning. These badges include the challenge patches, mastery patches, and mission patches. To earn these badges, you need to complete various challenges and missions in different courses.

Step 10: Apply For The Tesla Badge

Once you have completed all the required courses and demonstrated mastery of the concepts, you can apply for the Tesla badge. You can apply for the badge on your student dashboard by clicking on the Apply For Tesla Badge button. Your application will be reviewed, and if successful, you will be awarded the Tesla badge.


Earning the Tesla badge on Khan Academy is a commendable achievement that indicates a high level of proficiency in advanced math concepts. It requires dedication, hard work, and mastery of the concepts taught in the courses. Follow the steps outlined above, and you'll be well on your way to earning this coveted badge. Good luck!

How To Get The Tesla Badge On Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an online education platform that offers a wide range of courses for students of different ages and educational backgrounds. One of the most interesting features of Khan Academy is that users can earn badges for completing certain challenges and milestones.

The Tesla badge is one of the most popular badges on Khan Academy, and it's not hard to see why. This badge requires users to complete a set of challenges related to science and engineering, and it's a great way to showcase your knowledge and skills in these areas. In this article, we'll show you how to get the Tesla badge on Khan Academy.

The first step towards earning the Tesla badge is to create a free account on Khan Academy if you don't already have one. Once you've created an account, you can start exploring the platform and taking courses that interest you.

The Tesla badge is specifically related to science and engineering courses, so you should focus on these topics if you want to earn the badge. Start by browsing the science and engineering section of Khan Academy and finding courses that appeal to you.

Some of the courses that are relevant to the Tesla badge include physics, chemistry, and electrical engineering. You don't necessarily have to take all of these courses, but you should have some basic knowledge of these subjects if you want to succeed in earning the badge.

After completing some of the courses and challenges related to science and engineering, you may notice that you're making progress towards the Tesla badge. You can check your progress by visiting your profile and looking at the badges section.

If you're close to completing the requirements for the Tesla badge, you should keep working on science and engineering courses until you meet the requirements. Once you've earned the badge, you can proudly showcase it on your profile and show others how much you've learned on Khan Academy.

In conclusion, the Tesla badge on Khan Academy is a great way to showcase your knowledge and skills in science and engineering. By taking relevant courses and completing challenges, you can earn this badge and demonstrate your expertise in these subjects. So what are you waiting for? Start exploring the science and engineering section of Khan Academy today and work towards earning the Tesla badge!

We hope that this article has been helpful in guiding you towards earning the Tesla badge on Khan Academy. Don't forget to keep practicing and learning, as there are many other badges and achievements that you can earn on this platform.

If you have any questions or comments about Khan Academy or the Tesla badge, feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear your thoughts and help you in any way we can. Good luck!

How To Get The Tesla Badge On Khan Academy?

What is the Tesla Badge on Khan Academy?

The Tesla Badge is an exclusive badge offered by Khan Academy in partnership with Tesla. It is awarded to learners who complete a series of challenging tasks related to renewable energy and sustainability.

What tasks are required to earn the Tesla Badge?

To earn the Tesla Badge, learners must complete a set of tasks related to renewable energy and sustainability. These tasks include:

  1. Taking the Electric Cars unit in the Engineering section of Khan Academy
  2. Completing the Solar Energy unit in the Science & Engineering section
  3. Finishing the Climate Change unit in the Science & Engineering section
  4. Scoring at least 75% on the quiz at the end of each unit

How can I track my progress towards earning the Tesla Badge?

Khan Academy provides a progress tracker that allows learners to see which tasks they have completed and how many more they need to finish in order to earn the Tesla Badge. To access the progress tracker, log in to your Khan Academy account and navigate to the Achievements section.

Is the Tesla Badge available to everyone?

Yes, the Tesla Badge is available to all Khan Academy users who complete the required tasks. However, please note that the badge is only offered for a limited time and may not be available in the future.

What are the benefits of earning the Tesla Badge?

Earning the Tesla Badge demonstrates a commitment to learning about renewable energy and sustainability, two important topics in today's world. Additionally, it is a prestigious badge that can be shared on social media or added to a resume or portfolio.