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Discover Excellence in Education at St. Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton NJ - Enroll Now!

Discover Excellence in Education at St. Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton NJ - Enroll Now!

Are you searching for a school that offers excellent academic programs, extracurricular activities, and spiritual growth? Look no further than St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj.

What sets St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj apart from other schools is its commitment to providing a well-rounded education. Students not only receive an outstanding academic education but also have numerous opportunities to participate in sports, music, and drama.

Did you know that over 90% of St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj students go on to attend college? This statistic alone speaks volumes about the high level of academic excellence found here.

From kindergarten to 8th grade, St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj ensures that students receive a thorough education that prepares them for success both academically and spiritually.

With small class sizes, dedicated teachers, and a supportive community, students at St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj are given the tools they need to reach their full potential.

The school's strong Catholic identity provides a welcoming environment for families who want their children to grow in faith and lead fulfilling lives rooted in Christian values.

As a parent, don't you want your child to be prepared for life's challenges? St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills while promoting creativity and innovation.

Transitioning from elementary school to middle school can be tough, but with St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj's middle school program, students are guided through this important time by experienced teachers and staff.

Do you worry about your child's safety while at school? St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj has stringent safety protocols in place to ensure the wellbeing of all students.

St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj's alumni have gone on to become doctors, lawyers, teachers, and community leaders, demonstrating the school's ability to produce successful individuals.

If you're looking for a school that offers a top-notch education in a supportive and faith-filled environment, St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj is the solution you've been searching for.

St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj
"St Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton Nj" ~ bbaz

About St. Gregory The Great Academy

St. Gregory The Great Academy is a Catholic school located in Hamilton, New Jersey. The academy has been providing quality education for over 50 years. It is one of the leading schools in the area, which provides an excellent education to its students along with spiritual growth.


The faculty members at St. Gregory The Great Academy are highly qualified and experienced. They are dedicated to providing the best education to their students. The academy offers a rigorous academic program that meets the needs of all students.

The curriculum is designed to meet the standards set by the state and the Catholic Church. Students have access to advanced placement courses, honors classes, and STEM programs. The academy also offers extracurricular activities, such as drama, music, and sports.

Spiritual Development

St. Gregory The Great Academy is committed to the spiritual growth of its students. It provides an environment that fosters faith and values. Students attend mass regularly, participate in retreats, and engage in community service projects.

The school's chaplaincy program is exceptional, which provides support to students and staff. With the help of caring chaplains, students learn about their faith, grow spiritually, and develop life-long relationships with God.

Community Life

St. Gregory The Great Academy provides an inclusive and supportive community for its students. Students are encouraged to respect diversity, practice kindness, and love one another. They come from different backgrounds and cultures, but they are united in the common goal of learning and growing together.

The academy has a strong parent-teacher organization that supports school events and fundraisers. The school community is involved in many initiatives, such as food drives, blood donations, and relief efforts. These activities foster a sense of belonging and responsibility towards the community and the world.


The academy has a modern facility that includes classrooms, science labs, art rooms, library, gymnasium, and outdoor sports fields. The school also has a state-of-the-art STEM lab, which provides students with hands-on experience in science, technology, engineering, and math.

The campus is safe and secure, providing a healthy learning environment for the students. The school follows all the health and safety guidelines set by the state and the church.


St. Gregory The Great Academy is an exceptional school that provides an excellent education along with spiritual growth. The faculty members are dedicated to providing quality education, and the chaplaincy program fosters spiritual development for the students.

The school's community life promotes inclusivity and respect for diversity, while the modern facilities provide an excellent learning environment. St. Gregory The Great Academy is an excellent choice for anyone seeking a top-notch Catholic education combined with spiritual and personal growth.

St. Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton NJ: A Comparison Blog Article


Choosing the right preparatory school for your child can be overwhelming. For parents in Hamilton, NJ, one option is St. Gregory The Great Academy. But how does it stack up against other schools in the area? This comparison blog article highlights the similarities and differences between St. Gregory The Great Academy and other schools in Hamilton, NJ.


St. Gregory The Great Academy is located in Hamilton, NJ, which is accessible from major highways and is a few minutes away from shopping centers, restaurants, and parks. Its location makes it an ideal choice for families who want to enroll their children in a school that is conveniently located.


In terms of location, St. Gregory The Great Academy is conveniently located in Hamilton, NJ. However, parents should also consider other factors such as traffic, commuting time, and accessibility before making a decision.


St. Gregory The Great Academy offers a comprehensive curriculum that is designed to prepare students for college and beyond. Its curriculum includes English, history, mathematics, science, foreign language, theology, and fine arts. The school also offers advanced coursework for students who want to challenge themselves academically.


St. Gregory The Great Academy's curriculum is comparable to other preparatory schools in the area, offering a well-rounded education that prepares students for college and beyond.

Class Size

At St. Gregory The Great Academy, the average class size is 20 students. This allows for personalized attention from teachers and fosters a sense of community among students.


The small class sizes at St. Gregory The Great Academy provide a nurturing environment for students, which is important for their academic and personal growth.

Extracurricular Activities

St. Gregory The Great Academy offers various extracurricular activities such as sports, music, drama, and community service. These activities provide opportunities for students to explore their interests outside of the classroom.


St. Gregory The Great Academy's extracurricular activities are comparable to other schools in the area. However, parents should take into consideration their child's interests and availability before enrolling them in extracurricular activities.


St. Gregory The Great Academy integrates technology into its curriculum, with teachers using online resources and interactive tools to enhance learning. The school also has a computer lab and provides students with laptops.


St. Gregory The Great Academy's use of technology in the classroom is on par with other schools in the area, preparing students for the digital age.


St. Gregory The Great Academy has a diverse student body, with students from various racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds.


St. Gregory The Great Academy's diverse student body is a reflection of the school's commitment to inclusivity, providing students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for the global marketplace.


St. Gregory The Great Academy's tuition is $9,100 per year, which is lower than other preparatory schools in the area.


St. Gregory The Great Academy's affordable tuition makes it an attractive option for families who want to enroll their children in a quality preparatory school without breaking the bank.

Teacher Qualifications

St. Gregory The Great Academy employs qualified teachers who are dedicated to providing students with a quality education.


St. Gregory The Great Academy's teachers are comparable to those at other preparatory schools in the area, having the necessary qualifications and experience to provide students with a quality education.

Community Involvement

St. Gregory The Great Academy encourages community involvement among its students, and participates in various community service activities.


St. Gregory The Great Academy's commitment to community involvement is a valuable part of its mission, providing students with a sense of social responsibility and giving back to the community.


Overall, St. Gregory The Great Academy stands out as a competitive option for families who want to enroll their children in a quality preparatory school in Hamilton, NJ. While it may not have all the bells and whistles of some of the more expensive preparatory schools, it offers a comprehensive curriculum, personalized attention in small class sizes, and affordable tuition. Parents should evaluate their child's needs and interests before making a decision on which preparatory school to enroll them in.

St. Gregory The Great Academy: A Guide for Parents and Students

About the School

St. Gregory The Great Academy is a private, Roman Catholic school founded in 1962 located in Hamilton, New Jersey. It caters to students from preschool to eighth grade and provides a quality Catholic education that aims to develop academic excellence, social responsibility, and spiritual growth.

Academic Programs

The school follows a rigorous academic curriculum designed to challenge every student's abilities and foster intellectual curiosity. Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers who also serve as models of Christian life and values. Students receive a well-rounded education that includes core subjects like English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies as well as programs in Music, Art, and Physical Education.

Technology Integration

St. Gregory The Great Academy recognizes the importance of technology in today's world. They have integrated technology into the curriculum so that students can become competent and innovative users of technology. Each classroom has access to computers, interactive whiteboards, projectors, and other technology tools to enhance learning.

Spiritual Formation

St. Gregory The Great Academy is dedicated to developing students' spiritual growth. They provide daily religious education classes, weekly Mass, monthly Adoration, and opportunities for the reception of the sacraments. The school also organizes retreats for its students to reflect and deepen their relationship with Christ.

Extra-Curricular Activities

At St. Gregory The Great Academy, students have various extra-curricular activities to choose from. These include sports teams, choir, student council, drama club, and scouting. The school encourages students to participate in these activities as they enhance their social skills and teamwork.

Community Involvement

St. Gregory The Great Academy instills in its students the importance of giving back to the community. Students are encouraged to participate in various community service projects, including food drives, blood donation, and fundraising for charity. The school also collaborates with local businesses and organizations to provide opportunities for students' personal and civic development.

Admissions Process

To enroll at St. Gregory The Great Academy, parents/guardians must first fill out an application and submit it with the required documents. The application process also includes an interview with the principal to determine whether the school is a good fit for the student and family.

Tuition and Financial Aid

St. Gregory The Great Academy has a tuition fee that covers all educational expenses. They offer financial aid to qualified families who need assistance with tuition payments. There are various scholarship programs accessible to students, including scholarships from the Diocese of Trenton and the Knights of Columbus.

Campus Tours

The school offers campus tours to interested families to give them a feel of the school environment. During the tour, they get to see the classrooms, facilities, and meet with faculty/staff members. It allows parents/guardians to understand better the values that the school promote, academic programs offered, and the extracurricular activities open to the students.


St. Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton NJ is a promising school if you are looking for a quality Catholic education for your child. They have a rigorous academic curriculum that fosters intellectual curiosity and challenges their abilities. Additionally, their religious education classes, weekly Mass, monthly Adoration, and sacraments are designed to develop students' spiritual growth. In summary, Saint Gregory The Great Academy provides a supportive community where students can grow as individuals intellectually and spiritually.

Discovering the Wonders of St. Gregory The Great Academy in Hamilton, NJ

When it comes to choosing the right school for your child, it's important to consider several factors, such as the academic curriculum, facilities, location, and values upheld by the institution. Luckily, families residing in Hamilton, NJ, don't have to look far to find an exceptional Catholic school that caters to students from Pre-K to 8th grade – St. Gregory The Great Academy.

At St. Gregory, students are provided with a well-rounded education that covers all aspects of their development – intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual. The school prides itself on a challenging yet supportive learning environment where every student is given equal opportunity to achieve their full potential.

One of the key highlights of St. Gregory The Great Academy is its comprehensive academic program that features a blend of traditional and modern teaching methods. From Mathematics, English Language Arts, and Science to Social Studies, Art, Music, and Technology, students get exposed to a variety of subjects that broaden their knowledge and skills.

Moreover, St. Gregory The Great Academy provides access to tailored programs that cater to students' unique needs – including advanced courses for gifted learners, intervention classes for those who need extra support, and an enriching enrichment program that enhances their interests in various fields.

But that's not all – at St. Gregory The Great Academy, students are also encouraged to participate in different extracurricular activities and clubs to develop their hobbies, talents, and leadership skills. Whether it's joining the Robotics Club, the Drama Club, the Sports Teams, or the Altar Servers, students have plenty of options to discover new interests and make friends outside the classroom.

Beyond academics and extracurriculars, St. Gregory The Great Academy stands out for its strong Catholic identity and values that permeate every aspect of the school culture. Students are taught to uphold virtues such as humility, compassion, honesty, and respect for others – qualities that shape them into responsible and virtuous citizens.

Through regular Masses, communal prayers, and religious instruction, students also deepen their relationship with God and understanding of the Catholic faith. St. Gregory The Great Academy welcomes families from different religious backgrounds who seek an education that fosters moral and spiritual growth.

Another unique aspect of St. Gregory The Great Academy is its dedication to building a positive and supportive community between teachers, students, parents, and staff. The school recognizes the value of strong relationships and communication that foster trust, care, and collaboration in achieving mutual goals.

Therefore, St. Gregory The Great Academy provides various opportunities for parents to stay involved in their children's education, such as volunteering for school events, joining the Parent Guild, or attending parent-teacher conferences.

With a spacious campus that houses state-of-the-art facilities such as a gymnasium, a library, a technology lab, and a science lab, St. Gregory The Great Academy offers a conducive learning environment that encourages exploration, creativity, and critical thinking.

Overall, St. Gregory The Great Academy is undoubtedly one of the top contenders for families living in Hamilton, NJ, who prioritize academic excellence, spiritual development, and supportive community in their child's education.

If you're considering enrolling your child in St. Gregory The Great Academy or want to learn more about the school, please visit their website at or contact them through (609)-259-3146. You can also schedule a visit to take a tour and see firsthand what makes this school so special.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and we hope it has provided valuable insights into St. Gregory The Great Academy's mission and values. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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People Also Ask About St. Gregory The Great Academy Hamilton NJ

What is St. Gregory The Great Academy?

St. Gregory The Great Academy is a Catholic private school located in Hamilton, New Jersey. It serves students from pre-K to eighth grade and provides a well-rounded education with a faith-based curriculum.

What are the admission requirements for St. Gregory The Great Academy?

To be admitted to St. Gregory The Great Academy, students must have completed the appropriate grade level before application and meet any other applicable requirements. Additionally, the school may require interviews, transcripts, and recommendations from previous schools.

What is the curriculum at St. Gregory The Great Academy?

St. Gregory The Great Academy offers a rigorous academic curriculum with a focus on developing well-rounded students. The program includes core subjects such as reading, math, science, and social studies, as well as extracurricular activities, including physical education, art, technology, and music. The school also emphasizes a strong foundation in Catholic values.

What extracurricular activities are available at St. Gregory The Great Academy?

St. Gregory The Great Academy offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including band, choir, basketball, soccer, volleyball, drama club, robotics, and scout club. The school encourages students to participate in these activities to develop their talents, leadership skills, and social abilities.

What sets St. Gregory The Great Academy apart from other schools?

St. Gregory The Great Academy stands out from other schools by providing a faith-based education that integrates Catholic values into all aspects of learning. The school also offers personalized attention to each student, promoting a sense of community and individual support. Additionally, St. Gregory The Great Academy fosters the development of well-rounded individuals through various extracurricular activities.