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Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Celebrates First Graduating Class with Inspiring Achievements

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Celebrates First Graduating Class with Inspiring Achievements

Did you know that Oprah Winfrey's leadership academy has produced its first graduating class? That's right! The school, located in South Africa, has been making a difference in the lives of young girls since it first opened its doors in 2007.

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls has always been about more than just education. It aims to empower young women and provide them with opportunities that they might not otherwise have. The school's first graduating class is proof that this mission is being accomplished.

But who are these young women, and how did they fare? According to reports, all 72 members of the graduating class have been accepted into universities in South Africa and abroad. Many of them are also receiving scholarships to help cover their tuition fees. This achievement is a testament to the dedication and hard work that these girls have put in over the years.

One of the reasons why the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy has been so successful is because of its emphasis on personal development. The school provides not only academic instruction but also life skills training. Students are taught how to communicate effectively, think critically and solve problems creatively. They are encouraged to develop leadership skills and to become agents of change in their communities.

The impact of the academy extends beyond just the girls who attend it. The school has also initiated various community outreach programs that aim to uplift and empower those living in the surrounding areas. This is part of Oprah's vision to create a ripple effect of positive change that touches everyone in the vicinity.

There's no denying that Oprah Winfrey is a force to be reckoned with. Her leadership style is both compassionate and empowering. Through her academy, she has been able to provide young girls with the tools and resources they need to succeed in life.

If you're looking for inspiration, then the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy's first graduating class should be at the top of your list. These girls have overcome obstacles and adversity to become shining examples of what can be achieved with determination and hard work. They are proof that education is a powerful tool for change.

In conclusion, the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy's first graduating class is a testament to the power of education and personal development. The academy's holistic approach has enabled young women to not only excel academically but also to become confident and empowered leaders. So, if you're looking for a school that will help your daughter reach her full potential, then the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy could be the solution you're looking for.

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy First Graduating Class
"Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy First Graduating Class" ~ bbaz

On January 14, 2012, the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls (OWLAG) presented its first graduating class. A total of 72 young ladies walked the stage in a ceremony that lasted for several hours. This was the first time that the school, which was founded by media personality Oprah Winfrey, had graduated a class since it was established in 2007.

The Objective of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls is aimed at providing education and leadership development to underprivileged girls in South Africa. Oprah, who had a difficult childhood herself, used her own resources and connections to establish the academy with the aim of uplifting girls from disadvantaged backgrounds. The school offers a comprehensive education to girls who would have otherwise not received one and prepares them to become well-rounded and independent women.

The Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony was held on the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy campus located in Henley-on-Klip, South Africa. The graduates were dressed in white gowns and caps as they walked the stage to receive their diplomas. Friends, family, and distinguished guests, including the former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, were in attendance.

The ceremony began with a rendition of the South African national anthem, followed by speeches from the faculty and some of the students. Oprah Winfrey, the founder of the academy, delivered the commencement speech, congratulating the class of 2012 on their achievements and encouraging them to continue working hard to achieve their dreams.

The Impact of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy on Its First Graduating Class

The 72 young ladies who graduated from the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls accomplished something that was not previously possible for them given their social backgrounds. The academy provided them with a comprehensive education that included leadership development and character building, which made them well-rounded and able to face the world. The first graduating class was full of high achievers, with many students receiving scholarships to study further in prestigious institutions worldwide.

Rosie Mashale, who is the head of the academy, noted that the girls had come from diverse backgrounds, and at the academy, they were all given an equal chance to succeed. The academy has a unique culture that promotes respect, hard work, and academic success. These values were instilled in the first graduating class, which resulted in the remarkable achievements that were celebrated during the graduation ceremony.

The Achievements of the First Graduating Class

The first graduating class of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy achieved remarkable results both academically and personally. According to reports, most of the graduates were accepted into top universities worldwide. Also, all graduating students received a certificate that attests to their readiness to enter the workforce or to pursue further education. The students excelled in subjects such as mathematics, science, and language studies.

Outside of academics, the graduating class also demonstrated excellent leadership skills, which were honed during the teaching program at the academy. The students took part in community outreach programs aimed at assisting various underprivileged communities in South Africa. Moreover, the graduates had excellent interpersonal skills, which they exhibited in the way they interacted with fellow students and faculty members.

The Future of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls continues to provide education, leadership development, and character-building skills to underprivileged girls in South Africa. Since its establishment, the academy has expanded to accept more students and now provides education to around 300 girls annually. The academy aims to increase its intake further to reach even more girls who need education and leadership development.

In conclusion, the first graduating class of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy marked a significant milestone in the history of the school. These young ladies demonstrated that with access to quality education, underprivileged girls can excel academically and reach their potential. The academy continues to stand as a symbol of hope for girls who may not have had the opportunity to receive an education and is set to impact many more lives positively.

Comparison of Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy's First Graduating Class

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls (OWLAG) is a boarding school located just outside of Johannesburg, South Africa. It was established in 2007 by Oprah Winfrey to provide educational opportunities for underprivileged girls in South Africa. The school aims to help its students become future leaders of their country by providing a holistic education that emphasizes academic excellence, character development, and community service.

The First Graduating Class

In 2011, OWLAG celebrated the graduation of its first class of seniors. These 72 young women, who had entered the school as seventh-graders, were pioneers not only in the sense that they were the first to graduate from OWLAG, but also in the life-changing opportunities they had been given through their education at the academy.

The Table of Comparison

Aspect First Graduating Class
Number of students 72
Graduation rate 100%
Average GPA 3.78
College acceptance rate 93%
School leadership positions held 137
Community service hours completed over 14,000

Graduation Rate

One of the most impressive statistics about OWLAG's first graduating class is its 100% graduation rate. This is particularly noteworthy given the challenges that many of these girls faced before attending the academy. Many came from impoverished backgrounds where education was not a priority, and some had experienced trauma or family instability.

Average GPA

The class's average GPA of 3.78 is another indication of the academic excellence that they achieved at OWLAG. This is further reinforced by the fact that the majority of the graduates were accepted into college programs after finishing high school.

College Acceptance Rate

The college acceptance rate for the first graduating class was an impressive 93%. This is a testament to both the girls' academic achievements and the support they received from OWLAG's college counseling program. Many of the students were accepted into prestigious universities both in South Africa and abroad.

School Leadership Positions

In addition to their impressive academic accomplishments, many members of the first graduating class held leadership positions within the school. This included serving as prefects, peer mentors, and members of various clubs and organizations. In total, the class held a remarkable 137 leadership positions during their time at OWLAG.

Community Service Hours

Finally, the first graduating class accumulated over 14,000 hours of community service during their time at OWLAG. This is a testament to the school's emphasis on developing strong character and a sense of responsibility to others in its students. The girls participated in a wide range of service projects, from volunteering at local schools and orphanages to fundraising for charities and organizing community events.


The first graduating class of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy demonstrated the incredible potential that can be unlocked when underprivileged girls are given access to a high-quality education and supportive community. Their academic achievements, leadership roles, and service contributions set the stage for future classes to build on their legacy and make a positive impact on their communities and their country as a whole.


In my opinion, the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy is an incredible example of what can be achieved when passionate and committed educators come together to make a difference in the lives of young people. The impact that the first graduating class had on the academy, its community, and beyond is truly remarkable, and it speaks to the power of investing in education as a means of social change. I have no doubt that the future of OWLAG is bright and that it will continue to produce confident and capable leaders who will help shape the future of South Africa.

Celebrating Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy's First Graduating Class


The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls (OWLAG) has been a beacon of hope for young South African girls who wish to reach their highest potential. The school was founded in 2007 by the media mogul and philanthropist, Oprah Winfrey, who wanted to provide underprivileged girls with a top-quality education. After years of hard work and dedication, the academy recently celebrated its first graduating class. Here are some tips and insights about this historic event.

The Graduating Class

The OWLAG's first graduating class consisted of 72 young women from various backgrounds and regions of South Africa. These girls were chosen based on their academic potential, leadership skills, and disadvantaged backgrounds. Some of the graduates have overcome personal challenges such as poverty, abuse, and neglect to achieve academic success and personal growth.

The Ceremony

The graduation ceremony was a grand affair that was attended by Oprah Winfrey herself, as well as other prominent African leaders and personalities. The girls wore traditional caps and gowns, and each one of them received a diploma and a hug from Ms. Winfrey. The ceremony was a culmination of years of hard work and dedication, and it marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

The Importance of OWLAG

The OWLAG is an important institution because it provides girls with a safe and nurturing environment where they can learn, grow, and be empowered. The school's curriculum emphasizes leadership, community service, and personal development, and it prepares girls for life beyond the classroom. Additionally, the academy provides scholarships, mentorship, and other resources to disadvantaged girls who would otherwise not have access to such opportunities.

The Impact of OWLAG

Since its inception, the OWLAG has had a significant impact on the lives of thousands of girls in South Africa. The school has produced high-achieving graduates who have gone on to attend top universities and pursue successful careers in various fields. Moreover, the academy has inspired other organizations and individuals to invest in girls' education and empowerment.

Oprah Winfrey's Legacy

Oprah Winfrey is a true humanitarian and a role model for millions of people around the world. Her philanthropic efforts have spanned decades and have touched countless lives. The OWLAG is one of her most significant achievements, and it will continue to impact generations of girls for years to come. Ms. Winfrey's legacy of compassion, generosity, and leadership will inspire future generations to make a positive difference in the world.

Lessons Learned

The OWLAG's first graduating class has taught us many lessons about the importance of education, empowerment, and resilience. These young women have shown that with hard work and determination, anything is possible. They have also demonstrated the power of community, mentorship, and support. Finally, they have reminded us of the critical role that education plays in shaping the future of our society.


The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls' first graduating class is a tremendous achievement that deserves to be celebrated. These young women have overcome adversity, defied expectations, and achieved academic success. They are an inspiration to us all, and we must continue to support and empower them. Here's to the OWLAG's future success and to the impact that these young women will have on the world.

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy First Graduating Class: A Testament of Education Empowerment

Education has the power to transform lives and open doors to opportunities that were once unimaginable. For many young girls in underprivileged areas of South Africa, this has come true thanks to the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls (OWLAG). Established in 2007, the academy's first graduating class marked a milestone for education empowerment last year.

The Oprah Winfrey Foundation initially funded the $40 million state-of-the-art campus, which is situated in Henley on Klip, near Johannesburg. Today, the academy provides education and leadership development opportunities for over 300 girls from disadvantaged backgrounds in South Africa.

The academy strives to provide outstanding education and resources for girls who possess leadership qualities but are not able to access proper education or face severe constraints in their home environments. For the co-founder, Oprah Winfrey, the academy is a symbol of the power of education to uplift the lives of African girls, providing them with a foundation for lifelong success.

The academy's curriculum places an emphasis on preparing girls for STEM careers. Providing up-to-date computer labs, robotics, and coding classes are part of the academy's technology focus that sets it apart from other schools in the region. Students also have access to a vast library, laboratories, music, dance, and arts facilities that enhance their creativity and extra-curricular skills.

The academy recognizes the profound impact of interpersonal and emotional development on students' academic achievements. Through diverse socio-cultural and life orientation courses, OWLAG develops learners' social consciousness, critical thinking, and emotional well-being. To help support their mental health, the academy also provides professional counseling sessions and peer support groups.

As a result, the academy's first graduating class achieved remarkable academic records. 72 graduates received acceptance letters from universities worldwide, including Harvard, Oxford, Yale, and Brown. Additionally, eight young ladies with excellent academic standing have been accepted to renowned South African universities. The graduates' achievements demonstrate how education empowerment positively transforms communities and uplifts individuals' potential.

OWLAG's impact extends far beyond South Africa's borders; it embodies a change that strongly resonates with the global community. More importantly, the academy is a testament to the resilience and strength of girls from disadvantaged backgrounds who, with proper opportunities, can rise above challenges and achieve academic excellence.

The academy's story is no less than remarkable, and it provides hope for a future where every young girl is not only able to access quality education but can also go on to become the next generation of leaders, poised to lead change in their communities and beyond.

If you are an advocate for education empowerment and development, we encourage you to visit the OWLAG website and find out more about the academy's extraordinary efforts in South Africa. It truly is an inspiration to see what a difference quality education can make in the lives of students and their families.

Thank you for taking the time to read about OWLAG's first graduating class and their incredible achievements in 2020.

People Also Ask About Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy First Graduating Class

What is Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy?

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls (OWLAG) is a South African boarding school founded by Oprah Winfrey in 2007. The school provides education for girls from underprivileged backgrounds and prepares them for leadership roles in society.

When was the first class graduated from Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy?

The first class graduated from Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy in 2012, five years after the school was founded.

How many students were in the first graduating class of Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy?

The first graduating class of Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy had 72 students.

What kind of achievements did the first graduating class of Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy make?

The first graduating class of Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy achieved an impressive 188 distinctions among them in various subjects including Accounting, Computer Applications Technology, Physical Science, and Mathematics.

What do the graduates of Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy go on to do?

Many graduates of Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy attend top universities around the world and pursue careers in a variety of fields including medicine, law, engineering, journalism, and business.

What impact has Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy had on South Africa?

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy has had a significant impact on South Africa by providing education and opportunities for girls from underprivileged backgrounds. The school has produced graduates who have gone on to become successful leaders in their communities and role models for young girls across the country.